Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We need a new computer-STAT!

Sorry for the delay in posting....but our computer took a crap and doesn't turn on anymore. Well, it does turn on. But the screen is black. Awesome. So.....we are going to go out and look at computers tonight. It might be just a little bit-but we promise to update soon.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The word of the day today is progress. This is what our house started out looking like when we first came to look at it.

This is the living room mid-remodel. The dogs have no idea why we are tearing up their house.

Looking toward the front door.

The floors are going in quite nicely! This was the progress at the end of the work day yesterday.

Tonight they finished the kitchen. The living room is the same. About 1/3 done. It looks like we are a little behind and won't be done in a week like originally planned. Jeff is thinking we should be completely done by the end of October which is a total bummer because until the floors are done-Amy doesn't have a stove. :( It was taken out today to finish the floors under it and taken to the garage. Such a bummer. Good thing we own a grill and a crockpot.

Then there is our adventurous kitty in the house.....check me out!

Don't I look cute and innocent?

AND dunh dun dunhhhh! Rockstar and Piper are able to be in the same room! And even on the same couch. I think we're definitely making progress here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Piper!!!!

The inquisitive, non-helping, just getting in your face kitten! Here she is helping Jeff put the garage door button back on the wall. She likes to see what's going on in your hands at all times.

And then try and pounce on it and get whatever it is! See: she's daddy's little helper.

This little thing is exploring like crazy. Loud sounds don't scare her anymore, which is good because our house is nothing close to quiet right now while the floors are being put in. She can get up the stairs like a flash now. She has even been trying to escape upstairs all night to help the men put in the floors. She's going to fit right in here.

Unfortunately, this is what TeamRK still thinks of little Miss Piper. 'We aren't coming in until she is OUT!'

Big babies!! Actually, Kipp is doing much better today. He won't do too much to avoid her anymore. Rockstar still isn't ready to accept her. :(

Monday, October 12, 2009

Meet our newest family member!

Guess who? Well, we aren't quite sure yet but I'm sure she'll get a name eventually. Right now we are calling her Miss Snarling Kitty Pants because we aren't quite sure what to name her yet.....but isn't she the CUTEST??


Aren't I sweet looking? (It's a ploy people! She has claws and teeth.)

I'm pretty teeny...

But I've got LOTS of personality!

She likes the wood floors we picked out. She looks good on them.

This is her little bowl. She is so cute when she eats.

Uh oh, she saw me.....and this is what she looks like when she is about to pounce!

Mmmmmm, she likes her food. It is tasty and delicious.

She has to drink out of the dogs bowl and learn to be a big girl, but she is still so tiny she almost falls in when she drinks.

The ultimate stare off! Who is going to win this battle?? Keep checking in to find out! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Springing the Border Collie

Jeff and our friend Kenny did a transport today for the border collie rescue that we volunteer with. Western Border Collie Rescue is bringing this little guy into foster care so that he can get healthy and find a forever home. He is about 1-2 years old and VERY skinny. He weighed in at a whopping 21 lbs at the shelter. But what he lacks in size he makes up for in personality!! I mean, c'mon-just look at this face!

He is a teeny little thing. About the size of Rockstar, but being only 21lbs he seems like a puppy!

He has plenty of what Jeff calls 'puppy spunk.' (The shelter estimated him at 3-4 years old, but Jeff and his new foster mom are thinking more like 1.) This is little Blaine before he escaped from his leash and bolted across a field. Luckily Jeff and Kenny caught him and got him to his new foster home safe and sound. Apparently he doesn't like cars. In fact, he is terrified to even be near one. :(

Luckily-he likes ear scratches and belly rubs!

And LOOK! He already is doing tricks! Freaking adorable!

He wants out of that shelter BAD. You can see it in this face. And Jeff couldn't wait to get this boy out of there.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wedding pictures are up!

For anyone who is interested in checking out the pictures from our wedding photographer, they're check 'em out!

1. Log onto the Website:
2. Click on the 'Proofs' link in the upper right-hand corner
3. Enter the Bride or Groom's last name and then click 'Search'

Easy peasy! Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hello everyone!

This is our brand new blog! We will be posting updates on our life....anything from our dogs (big suprise!), what's cooking, house renovations, fun for A&J, pictures, news, and anything else I can think of. Please feel free to follow us on our journey in married life.

Oh, and leave lots of comments so I know someone is actually reading this and hopefully enjoying it. :)

Here are a few pictures from the wedding. We're still waiting on the professional photos to become keep an eye on the blog! We'll post the link when they're up for viewing.

David and Xavier

My beautiful bouquet and our cake!
I do....more like I just did. :)

Kimberly and I enjoying a nice glass of vino.....
A preview of what's to come? A big family?