Sunday, July 31, 2011

Who loves naked time?

Carter does!!!

He is very helpful at changing time because he picks up his feet in a fit of joy when it's time to get a new diaper.   

"Mom-why are you taking my picture when I'm exposed and vulnerable?"

Weeee!  It's ok, because I'm naked!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The zoo!

Carter's first trip to the zoo was July 20th.  We went with our friends Jaimi, Anabella & Jaxson and Priscilla & Penelope.  I only got one good photo since I'm always the one behind the camera but here is proof we were at the zoo!

This is Jaimi and her 2 year old Anabella.  Look-Jaimi is the same size as the monkeys.  :) 

Anabella still has some growing to do.... 

The zoo can tucker out little people. 

And this is Priscilla holding Penelope (Penny).  Pretty cute, huh? 

And even though I brought my stroller, we ended using the Ergo almost the entire time.  That's ok-that's what it's for.  Here is the me and the Boss hiding from the sun under the blanket.  :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Crazy wiggly, sleepy baby

I love when Carter sleeps like this.  Not really sure why, but it makes me smile every time.  And if he is sleeping in his car seat, he keeps his little legs all scrunched up when you pick him up out of it.  I LOVE it. 

Getting comfortable...

Ahhh, now that's better.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Carter loves his buddy Jaxson who lives up the street from us!  Jaxson was born on June 17th, 2011 so they're about 6 weeks apart.  They hang out all the time and it won't be long before they're causing trouble together I'm sure!!

It is random how many matching outfits they own.  I'm sure this won't be the last photo shoot of them in matching onesies!

Napping outside on a blanket.

But they both decided to wake up so we could get some of their beautiful eyeballs in the pics.  :)

Carter is just a wee bit bigger, no?  ;-p

A cute little present(s) all wrapped up in a bow.

This is Jaxson's big sister Anabella.  She LOVES her boys.  Can you tell?

I love Jaxson's expression in this picture.  A little half smile.  Mischievous...  And Carter is very GQ.  Love it.


They have quite a few matching outfits....and they both have this airplane blanket too!  So we thought that we would toss that into their photo shoot for funsies as well.


This is what happens when you try to shoot 2 infants at once.  Once a hand goes anywhere near the mouth of the other-they assume it's food.  And into the mouth it goes!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Buzzing the tower

Sometimes you have to watch out.   It's a low flying Carter plane!!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Carter Plane!

Just a small compilation of Carter Plane pics for your viewing pleasure.

Indoor Carter Plane:

Outdoor Carter Plane:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tonka Trucks make great cribs

When people say that babies can fall asleep anywhere, I guess it's true!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Piggybacks almost work

At least he can sort of see over dad's head! Someone is getting so big!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Just a man....

.....sitting on his couch

Pointing at his toes....

Friday, July 15, 2011

Smiles for Miles

Carter figured out smiling and he loves it!!

Good morning world!  In the mornings, usually in our bed in between us, Carter wakes up and starts smiling like crazy.  I absolutely love it.  Babies smiling has to be one of the sweetest things in the world.

And for the cutest series of pics yet.....

I really wish that I could have gotten all these pictures in focus, but they still warm my heart even though they aren't crystal clear.  This boy loves his daddy.  And boy do I love them both.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

2 month Dr. appt and his first set of shots

Oh man, I feel bad for all babies.  The grueling schedule of shots they have to get is gnarly!  Carter had his 2 month Dr. appt Monday and had to endure 3 shots. 2 in one leg (his left) and one in the other.  And as a reward for his toughness-he got a Bugs Bunny Band-Aid and a Snoopy Band-Aid!  Ha ha.  :)  Oh, and he got a bulldog sticker too!

He cried when the nurse injected the shots but he calmed down fairly quickly.  He just wanted to be held and snuggled and seemed to forgive us for what we just did to him.  He was pretty fussy for the rest of the day though, which they said was normal.  They said he could even be fussy for up to 48 hours, and he was.   I'm hoping he bounces back today and starts feeling like his happy self again.

We did find out that our little muffin was in the 13th percentile at his first appt for his weight but he has jumped up to the 63rd percentile!  Go Carter Go!  He now weighs in at a whopping 12lbs 6oz.  And he is in the 30th percentile for his height at 22 1/2".  Who would've thought we would have such a short little baby?  :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Pea in a Pod

Carter falls asleep on his Boppy all the time.  It is one comfy pillow.  I would recommend one to any new mommy.  Great for feedings and sleepings!  :)  Even though you aren't supposed to let your baby sleep on it, I do.  When he is supervised of course.  Duh.

So cute!  All squished up and sleeping soundly.