Thursday, July 14, 2011

2 month Dr. appt and his first set of shots

Oh man, I feel bad for all babies.  The grueling schedule of shots they have to get is gnarly!  Carter had his 2 month Dr. appt Monday and had to endure 3 shots. 2 in one leg (his left) and one in the other.  And as a reward for his toughness-he got a Bugs Bunny Band-Aid and a Snoopy Band-Aid!  Ha ha.  :)  Oh, and he got a bulldog sticker too!

He cried when the nurse injected the shots but he calmed down fairly quickly.  He just wanted to be held and snuggled and seemed to forgive us for what we just did to him.  He was pretty fussy for the rest of the day though, which they said was normal.  They said he could even be fussy for up to 48 hours, and he was.   I'm hoping he bounces back today and starts feeling like his happy self again.

We did find out that our little muffin was in the 13th percentile at his first appt for his weight but he has jumped up to the 63rd percentile!  Go Carter Go!  He now weighs in at a whopping 12lbs 6oz.  And he is in the 30th percentile for his height at 22 1/2".  Who would've thought we would have such a short little baby?  :)

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