Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What's new?

Great question!  So glad I asked.  :)

Well it's been a while so you might already know some of these things.  But maybe you don't so I'm just gonna go crazy with it.

~Jeff and I do Yoga now.  In fact just today-I bought us our very own yoga mats.  Mine is blue and Jeff's is pink....  He just doesn't know it yet.

~So, the above also means we joined a gym.  I love it.

~Kipp's 3rd birthday was April 23rd.  He is getting so big!

~March 31st was our 4 year anniversary of our house.

~We have already done 2 demo's with the Colorado Disc Dogs.

~Rockstar is all healed from her injury.  :)

~I have been trying to go hiking every week.  I go with a group of girls on Weds and it's really fun.

~We went to Vegas for Jeffrey's birthday.  Except I got the most wicked bout of food poisoning EVER two days before we left and Vegas just wasn't done like it should have been.  We will have to get a re-do at some point. 

~Jeff and I went to the unveiling of the new Ducati that was released a few weeks ago.  Then Jeffrey got to demo the bike the next day in the rain.  I hope that rain isn't the theme of our summer...

~My brother David bought a house! 

~My friend Michelle came home with a huge NOT GUILTY verdict in her court case.  God is good.

~We've officially started our disc dog season.  TeamRK couldn't be happier.

~My dad had knee surgery and is doing great.

~We went to a Film on the Rocks last night to see Princess Bride.  It was my first FOTR experience and it didn't disappoint.

~I've been cooking like a mad woman.  And I like it.

~We've also been doing quite a bit of Frisbee golfing.  I have a new disc that I adore.  It's pink.  What more is there to say?

~We took a trip to Lake McConaughy last weekend.  It rained almost the entire time and it was awesome.  Seriously-no sarcasm.  We had a great weekend with our friends.

~Kipp and I learned a new disc dog trick...and in the process it looks like I was attacked by a spider monkey on my left thigh.  But the trick is sweet-and it was all worth it.

~I bought a new bocce ball set.  It's a bean ball bocce set and totally travel size!  I can't wait to use it.

~My sister Kimberly and my mom took Xavier on a trip to Oregon.  From what I've heard the trip was a raging success and everyone had a blast.  I'm still waiting for picture confirmation and with those 3-I know they're coming.

~It is finally so hot that we had to turn our air conditioning on.  Which is about 1 month earlier than we turned it on last year.  Hello 90 degree weather!

There ya go.  Our last month and a half recap in one post. 

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