Friday, July 13, 2012

Zoo trip

David got us some free tickets to the new exhibit that is opening soon at the Denver Zoo.  They were for the big preview event that was only open to Toyota invitees and since he works for Mountain States Toyota he was able to get us in!  :)  There is a new elephant in the Asian Tropics exhibit and he was so much fun to watch.  It is always sad to see the animals that should be roaming prairies and plains in such tight quarters but he still made us smile.

He loved swinging this heavy metal ball around.  It would clang and he just kept swinging it.

He laid on the sand like it was cooling him off.  

Elephant yoga anyone?

Carter liked seeing the animals and I'm sure would have enjoyed it more out of the stroller but it was a little chilly.  So, he mostly stayed in his stroller and hung out in there looking around at stuff.  And eating.  I think this kid ate as much lunch as I did!

 He kept trying to pull off his hood. 

Then he just gave up and ate my lunch.  :)

And put noodles in the cup holder for later.

Done with lunch and ready to go check out more animals!  Not a lot to look at in the cafe.

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