Sunday, January 31, 2010


Who doesn't like food? I have been working on really trying to not be intimidated in the kitchen and really get our $$ worth out of my awesome appliances that Jeffrey picked out for me. I have even signed myself up for a cooking class (that was full until April! Apparently cooking classes are the bees knees around here.) It is a 'basics' of cooking, 4 hours long and 2 class sessions a week apart. I'm SO excited to learn some new tips and tricks for the kitchen.

I seriously think I have a secret love affair with food. But it's ok-Jeff is completely ok with that. :)

On to pictures!

From our last family dinner:
Green beans, pasta salad, green salad....

Close up of the green salad and pasta salad:

The meat! Steaks, stuffed pork chops, and cedar plank smoked salmon:

Mmmmm-chili! I made this chili for a chili cook-off we had at work. It was delicious, but alas-I lost. :( It's ok though-more for us! I should add-this was before it cooked in the slow cooker for about 6 hours....

A picture of Jeff visiting his dad on his birthday - January 28th. Could it be more picture perfect? (And still involving food?)

We miss you Jim O'Brien!

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